Graduation rate.
2021 graduates were eligible for the HOPE Scholarship.
2021 graduates were eligible for the Zell Miller Scholarship.
Graduation collage picture

College Prep

Our staff and rigorous academics ensure that all Rivers students are well prepared to be successful at the college level. We provide our students and their families with advice and assistance on course selection, standardized testing, and every step of the college application process.


Rivers Academy graduates become members of our active Alumni Association, a nationwide network of intelligent and talented young adults pursuing their passions. We follow the endeavors and accomplishments of our alumni with pride!


Rivers Academy graduates attend the most prestigious colleges and universities in the nation, pursuing excellence in academics as well as their chosen passions. Our alumni have been accepted at such institutions as Yale University, Stanford University, Colombia University, U.S. Naval Academy, University of Georgia, and U.S. Air Force Academy to name a few.

Rivers Academy Graduates have been accepted to their top choice colleges and Universities.

Colleges Rivers Academy students have been accepted to