Please read the following information carefully as there are many details to be aware of.
ALL seniors (virtual and face to face) will be taking their portraits after school from:
1:00pm-3:30pm on Thursday, March 4th OR Friday, March 5th from 9:30am – 3:45pm.
Seniors will sign up for their preferred time slot and date by following the link provided at the end of this email.
Cap and gown photo:
All seniors will have received their cap, gowns, and tassel. Your student will need to bring their cap, gowns, and tassel for the photograph and will take it back home with them as they will need it for the graduation ceremony.
Females (formal photo – see example below): Out of an abundance of caution, and to limit the spread of germs, we are asking seniors to provide their own black drape for the formal photograph OR we suggest the students wear a black top for the formal photo.

**If your student would like to personally order a black drape for the formal photo, check out the link below for a suggestion. Please know the link below is a suggested site to purchase a drape but this is not mandatory.
We’re simply providing the option should your student choose to purchase their own drape.
Black Velvet Senior Drape Photo Prop – GL131 – Backdrop Outlet
Males (formal photo – see example below): you will have your formal photo taken in a black suit jacket, white collared dress shirt, and black tie.
You will need to provide your own black suit jacket, white collared dress shirt, and black tie.

Please let Kimberly Askew know if you have any questions or concerns.
Rivers Academy Yearbook Staff